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Bad Memories & Trauma Removal 2.

By Nachrichten

A lot of people are in a real fix at the beginning of their lives. That is meant literally. The predicament follows the beauty as the shadow follows the light. First, the embryo rests in an oceanic realm, and his space is wide – that’s nice. Or less beautiful, when disturbing, if not hostile, impulses are already to be felt in this magnificent, carrying, oceanic expanse.

What kind of impulses can these be? A depression of the mother, for example, flushed over the umbilical cord into the mind of the child. Or the fear of the mother, rejection of pregnancy by the mother.

Suppose the mother is happy about the pregnancy, she carries her child with devotion, is looking forward to its birth and is in tune with herself and her other circumstances – assuming that the pregnancy is ideal in the perspective of the child, it gets tight with increasing maturity

At first pleasantly tight as a gentle hug, then less pleasantly tight like a tight hug, finally crushing tight. You might think, good to know that there is the possibility of a Caesarean section. A section meaning: out as fast as possible. Then the child will be spared the crushing hells and the mother can gently sleep away from the torments of expulsion. One of the reasons why cut births are becoming more and more popular – and quite understandable. With all due respect to the female sovereignty of interpretation in this matter, I dare nevertheless to remark that such a shortening of the evolutionary and proven biological process of birth is in principle not ideal in the sense of the best interests of the child. In other words: Even an ideal Caesarean section birth, equivalent to a gentle removal of the child from the mother’s body using all the beneficial inventions of modern birth medicine – even this causes a traumatisation of the child.

Why? Perhaps because after the experience of intrauterine width, the experience of increasing narrowness makes sense. With the final redemption from extreme confinement a central and thus vital experience is made for further life. Whoever is deprived of this experience experiences a lack. And this lack may be greater than previously thought. In short: a trauma.

Another variant, however, is no less traumatizing: stuck in the birth canal. It doesn’t go back and forth. Tormenting minutes become martyring hours. If then the heart sounds go down, a section could be beneficial. If it is already too late for that, the suction cup or forceps are used. A blessing, perhaps, that these instruments are available in case of need. But the result is a traumatization. Probably from mother and child.

Or the first weeks after birth. The baby screams because its neck cartilage was dislocated during expulsion. Should be treated by a very experienced osteopath, but nobody comes up with the idea. The result will be? Probably a trauma. It may be that it lasts for life.

Not to mention the biographical reverberation of a breech birth, as well as threatening strangulation by the umbilical cord around the neck and other near-death experiences on the way into life. Or difficulties with breast-feeding after a comparatively relaxed arrival. Only a small part of humanity begins its own biography unharmed. Not least because modern people are decoupled from their own innermost knowledge of life processes and are full of fear and feel lost alongside powerful processes such as birth. The result is a civilizational mass derailment born out of ignorance and innermost alienation with a tendency to profound psychological injuries. Also called trauma. And that’s what it’s all about here: psychological injuries and wounded souls, triggered by great mental stress or physical pain, but usually both in combination, resulting in the experience of catastrophic threat, helplessness and powerlessness. The result is a mental shock with the aftershocks of consternation.

This applies not least to traumatization during birth, i.e. stressful experiences in the pre-linguistic experience space. All further psychological wounds acquired later are, so to speak, connected to this. Or rather are linked subconsciously.

In principle, people grow on obstacles, including wounds. However, some people do not manage to grow through crises without help from outside. Without impulses from outside, they can not transform an injury into knowledge and wisdom and as a result experience the maturation of their personality. These people are therefore, to a certain extent, prisoners of a deep-seated pain. They would like to free themselves from the pain, but they find no way to free themselves on their own. The consequence is livelong bondage.

This is exactly where the methodology of Trauma Abscission & Removal (abbreviated: TAR by Otmar Jenner) comes in. The therapeutic goal is to transform bondage into freedom.

More about this in the next article …
Stay tuned!

Yours – Otmar Jenner

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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Bad Memories & Trauma Removal 1.

By Nachrichten

A clearing in the woods. Sun on a piece of moss. You kneel in front of it, stroke the palms over velvety, slightly damp green and smell a wonderful scent. You are five, six or seven years old, at most eleven, and accompanied by your parents. You could stay forever in this beautiful place, but your parents want to continue. So you decide to never forget this place with its fragrance. But there are other, also intense moments, and a few days later you do not even think about the clearing in the forest.

Years later and long grown up, maybe on a hike, maybe alone, maybe in company, you find yourself back in a clearing. Not the one from then. But pretty nice. Again sun on lush green moss, again this fine sweet-sour smell. Almost automatically you kneel down again. And suddenly you are in another time and space. You hear the voices of your parents, hear them talking, know why they were in a hurry, feel their tension hiding behind parental care and mindfulness. And it may be that this very beautiful memory gets a less beautiful connotation and leads to a hard and very adult cognition.

Through similarity memory is taken from oblivion and reactivated. Similar smells, similar tastes, similar sounds, similar tactile sensations, less through corresponding visual perceptions and analogous thoughts. That’s why thinking about the past is so difficult. As hard as you may try – memories couldn’t be forced mentally. But if there is a corresponding smell or taste – the feeling of yesteryears is again alive and present.

This also applies to less pleasant memories. Sometimes you find yourself stuck in a corner of your actual life, smelling something, hearing something, feeling something – and suddenly you realize that you were in a similar predicament before. This offers the opportunity to learn something from it at the moment and to grow biographically so that less pleasant memories can be regarded as valuable.

And then there are the experiences that you probably can not remember. Mental injuries concealed in the biographical depth, locked in oblivion, because too painful for the active memory. These are the traumas a person may have experienced – and must forget as soon as possible, since memorising it is unbearable. But real forgetting does not exist. Whatever is experienced remains preserved and biographically effective. In the case of traumatisation, often as hidden efficacy. Not infrequently perceptible as subliminal impulses that lead to strange, comparatively unhealthy actions. Self-destructive behavior, for example, in the form of mental dependencies or substance-related addictions, for example – but the consequences of traumatization on behavior are as individual as people with their respective inhibitions and needs are unique.

The biography of a person cannot be changed in retrospect. An injury can therefore not be undone. However, the consequences can be changed very effectively. And the method of Trauma Abscission & Removal (abbreviated: TAR by Otmar Jenner) makes this possible. After approximately ten years of practice the method will be refined and systematized.

Stay tuned for further contributions!

Yours – Otmar Jenner

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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Golden Trees

By Nachrichten

Gold is growing on trees, scientists from CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, have found out. As below, so above, your could say. Well, that’s known, right?

“As above, so below; as inside, so outside; like the spirit, so the body”, is the second hermetic law from the 1908 published “Kybalion “, a book that refers directly to the alchemist Hermes Trismegistos.

As in heaven, so on earth; like on a large scale, so on a small scale – that’s how you can continue the series.

But it’s not that simple.
The small, or rather the very small, namely the tiniest of the tiny, can not be related with the great as declared in the alchemical analogy.
Because on the level of the extremely small nothing is as it is on the level of the big. What is called an “either / or” relationship on a large scale means “as well / as” or “both / and” in the extremely small, namely at the quantum level.

This is a problem which keeps heads spinning.

The analogy from the Kybalion sounds beautiful and plausible – but it is wrong and probably expresses more hope than reality.

The fact is: On the quantum level there is nothing like it is on the level of visible and touchable matter. Quantum mechanics and Kepler’s laws are hardly interlinked.
That means, the law of analogy inherits a gap of understanding, which is yet not closed. If something is true, the exact opposite is probably true as well. A hitherto unresolved dilemma of the present.
All the more astonishing is the fact that the first law of the Kybalion is confirmed by this. “The universe is spiritual; everything is spiritual, “says the first law. For Kepler and his followers a No Go. What you can not knock on, that does not exist, they trumpeted over a century. However, since the discovery and experimental confirmation of quantum mechanics, the knowledge has come through that the source of all being is spiritual.
Everything is connected with everything at the level of the mind. So too the gold in the earth with the leaves on the tree. Trees take water and nutrients through the roots as well. Also gold atoms, if they grow over deposits. Anyone looking for gold first collects leaves to be analyzed with an extremely subtle mass spectrometer. If Aurum is indicated, it is worth digging in the ground. Well, does that mean, like above, so below?

Source: The Economist, May 25th 2019 – “Gold leaf”

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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