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Spiritual Self-Defense, part 5

By Tuesday May 28th, 2019April 1st, 2020Nachrichten

Maintaining the human life functions works without having to think about it (mostly anyway). Slowing down your own heartbeat with the power of consciousness is possible, but difficult. To stop the reflex of winking with the eyelid by your own will is (if only for a few minutes) much easier. But after ten minutes it will become difficult. Breathing more slowly, pausing between breaths, or breathing without a pause and very fast, that seems easy for a while, but difficult in the long run. People long for automatism in the matter and would like to leave the job of breathing to their lungs alone.

So they do not have to think about it.

Well, there is no need to do so.

Breathing works without thinking.

However, sometimes your breath stops. Inevitably. The current of air is on hold. Automatically. You hold your breath. Just a little moment. Mostly too short to be registered by you at the moment. This is the moment where foreign energy can attach.
I know that sounds imprecise, somehow dubious. What is simply due to the fact that more precise and professional terms in that matter are missing. In any case, at the moment when the breath stops, in that very moment opens a kind of window for the affected person. A window that is like an invitation, an open gate through which can enter what wants to come in, what is sent, what should penetrate, energetically and informal.
That is why it is important to pay attention to your own breath. Especially in the very moments when you probably have something else to do. Whether it’s because of excitement or being carried away by fear or becoming angry. In such moments the door of the soul opens wide. Through this gate can suddenly enter, what wants to come in. Unhealthy energy for example, the pungent energy of not so nice colleagues, the unpleasant energy of strangers.

Therefore: breathe calmly. Slowly in and out. A single current that runs through the body, connecting the inside and with the outside, a wave that may be life itself, which is why it deserves attention. Especially in those moments when you want to withdraw the attention.
As long as the respiratory wave runs smoothly through the body, you are protected by it alone.

An excerpt from my upcoming book „Spiritual Self-Defense“.

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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