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Golden Trees

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Gold is growing on trees, scientists from CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, have found out. As below, so above, your could say. Well, that’s known, right?

“As above, so below; as inside, so outside; like the spirit, so the body”, is the second hermetic law from the 1908 published “Kybalion “, a book that refers directly to the alchemist Hermes Trismegistos.

As in heaven, so on earth; like on a large scale, so on a small scale – that’s how you can continue the series.

But it’s not that simple.
The small, or rather the very small, namely the tiniest of the tiny, can not be related with the great as declared in the alchemical analogy.
Because on the level of the extremely small nothing is as it is on the level of the big. What is called an “either / or” relationship on a large scale means “as well / as” or “both / and” in the extremely small, namely at the quantum level.

This is a problem which keeps heads spinning.

The analogy from the Kybalion sounds beautiful and plausible – but it is wrong and probably expresses more hope than reality.

The fact is: On the quantum level there is nothing like it is on the level of visible and touchable matter. Quantum mechanics and Kepler’s laws are hardly interlinked.
That means, the law of analogy inherits a gap of understanding, which is yet not closed. If something is true, the exact opposite is probably true as well. A hitherto unresolved dilemma of the present.
All the more astonishing is the fact that the first law of the Kybalion is confirmed by this. “The universe is spiritual; everything is spiritual, “says the first law. For Kepler and his followers a No Go. What you can not knock on, that does not exist, they trumpeted over a century. However, since the discovery and experimental confirmation of quantum mechanics, the knowledge has come through that the source of all being is spiritual.
Everything is connected with everything at the level of the mind. So too the gold in the earth with the leaves on the tree. Trees take water and nutrients through the roots as well. Also gold atoms, if they grow over deposits. Anyone looking for gold first collects leaves to be analyzed with an extremely subtle mass spectrometer. If Aurum is indicated, it is worth digging in the ground. Well, does that mean, like above, so below?

Source: The Economist, May 25th 2019 – “Gold leaf”

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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