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Dreamtime – the other way of travelling


Guide your dreams, give wings to your life. Online training lucid dreaming

Via ZOOM in 12+ training units in one year

Time to dream! Change, the dominant theme of the present, requires a special agility – that of consciousness. Mobility of consciousness can be trained during the day. But it is awakened really powerfully at night: when falling asleep, in sleep, in the dream phase, in a dream.

Untrained most people are at the mercy of their dreams. Beautiful, if that is beautiful. Unpleasant, if a dream is rousing in an unpleasant way. Terrible in the form of nightmares.

It doesn’t have to be. We can learn to guide our dreams, to shape our dreams, to move in our dreams – to have extraordinary experiences in dreams on purpose.
For example, out-of-body experiences, when the dreambody and biological body move apart. In a dreambody extraordinary journeys are possible. Far and beyond …
After the publication of my “Book of Transition” I have been asked many times to offer a seminar for training lucid dreams. Because many dates are necessary, this can be done particularly well via the Internet.

Dates: No dates for 2022/23


    Participation in the one-year online course “Dreamtime – the other way to travel” costs 1,280 euros. The amount is to be paid by bank transfer after the technical examination and before the actual training courses begin. The online course consists of 12 training units (3 to 4 1/2 hours each – with short breaks and additional special dates if necessary) on the respective Saturday via ZOOM. The start is always at 5 pm. If a date has to be postponed on my part, it will be made up on the next possible Saturday.
    In order to participate via the ZOOM platform, the technical practicability must be checked by the participants. This is done in a separate appointment in advance. Questions can also be asked. In the event of premature termination of participation, partial or full repayment of the seminar fee is excluded.
    The online course can be attended without any previous training. Methods and knowledge based on personal experience are taught. I am not liable for possible undesirable side effects. Participation is at your own responsibility.

    The following methods are taught and practiced in the online course “Dreamtime – the other way to travel”:

    – Define your dream destinations
    – go to sleep with special intentions
    – find an anchor in your dream
    – stop the dream flow with the anchor
    – recognise yourself as dreamer in your dream
    – deliberately control the dream current
    – Synchronise the time and place of the dreamtime with the time and place of your physical presence
    – look at your own physical body in your dreambody
    – move away from your own physical body with your dreambody
    – try of long jumps, high flights and long journeys in a dreambody
    – Reality checks and no-bullshit tools to check the facts
    – find concentration in your dreams and therefore focus in life

    A seminar for all who want to experience the adventure of their own consciousness.

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