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Spiritual Medicine & Support for the Dying


Four days of learning what death and dying have to do with life


Guided by me personally on all days. Especially interesting for those accompanying the dying, those working in hospices for the dying, palliative and medical practitioners. Open to all who want to deal with the subject of death and dying in order to intensify their attitude towards life.

Seminar goal: Overcoming one’s own fear of death and the ability to accompany other people in the dying process in a wholesome way. Motto: Death is a friend for life.


    Participation in the four-day seminar “Spiritual Medicine & Support for the Dying” costs 640, – Euro. A deposit of 200,- Euro is required for a definitive confirmation of participation. The seminar begins on the first day at 1 pm, Saturday and Sunday at 10 am. On the first three days the seminar lasts until 7 pm at the latest and ends on the fourth day of the seminar at about 4 pm.
    A booking is final with the receipt of the deposit. If the participation is cancelled within one week before the start of the seminar, the deposit can be retained in full by the organiser as a cancellation fee. If a cancellation is made at an earlier date, half of the deposit can be retained by the organiser as a cancellation fee.
    Every time we fall asleep, we die a “little death”. Even when we sneeze, we go through death processes. Dying has a lot to do with life, but very few people know that. For many, the fear of death even spoils their lives. We come alive when we deal with our mortality. Because the more we learn about dying and about death, the more awake we live. Attention and vigilance are the foundations of mental and, consequently, physical health. In this sense, dealing with death serves life. In the intensive seminar “Spiritual Medicine & Support for the Dying” (more on the topic in my “Book of Transition”), practical exercises and meditations are used to make experiences that are mentally and emotionally purifying and promote a healing attitude towards the processes of dying and the transit of death. This attitude can best be described with the word “equanimity” and means a real improvement in the quality of life.

    The following aspects are part of the intensive seminar “Spiritual Medicine & Support for the Dying:
    – Methods of Spiritual Medicine to accompany the dying process – pain relief and energetic cleansing
    – Rituals of purification
    – Meditative experience of the dying and rebirth process
    – Meditative methods to leave the biological body
    – The ejection of the mind according to ancient Tibetan practice
    – Returns to previous incarnations
    – Mental awareness exercises

    Vorträge: Warum nur das Leben weh tut, aber nicht der Tod. Warum der Tod ein Freund fürs Leben ist. Warum so viele Menschen ihr Leben verschlafen, was eine Form des Sterbens ist. Warum Wachsamkeit so gesund ist. Warum der Geist ewig ist. Warum Angst krank macht. Wovor wir womöglich Angst haben. Wie wir uns von Angst befreien.

    Für Menschen in heilenden Berufen und alle, die sich für die Prozesse des Lebens und Sterbens interessieren und sich daher selbst damit befassen wollen.
    Wer mehrere Seminare belegen möchte, sollte mit diesem beginnen.

    Otmar Jenner – “Spirituelle Medizin & Sterbebegleitung”

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