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Adi – School of Mindfulness & Meditation online


6 trainings via the online platform ZOOM

Adi (Sanskrit) for: origin, beginning, new beginning. Diving into the ocean. Calm the mind, develop consciousness. Switch off the mind, enter the state of flow. Holding inner reflection. Experience yourself, free from thoughts about yourself. Immerse yourself in silence. Experience the inner space. Stretching time. Slowing down the moment. Find peace within yourself. Drawing from yourself. Receiving inspiration. Discover previously hidden abilities. Gain new powers. Developing your own potential. Expand yourself. Growing beyond yourself. Live more. Probably also healthier and longer.

And above all: happier.

Happiness, the state of lasting joy, is in my experience a mental state that comes about naturally when a person perceives himself and his very nature, i.e. his innermost self. This look within, called introspection, is not bound to religiousness or confessional in any way.

Whatever or whatever a person believes in – introspection can be practiced.

The method is meta-sectarian. It allows a view to the bottom of one’s own soul and beyond.

A delightful perspective.

This and more is conveyed by “Adi – School of Mindfulness & Meditation”.

Welcome to the Transformation Retreat! Instructed by me.
Start: No date planned for 2022 via ZOOM.

    The participation in the online course “Adi” costs 280,- Euro. The amount is to be paid by bank transfer after the technical examination and before the actual training courses begin. The online course consists of 6 training units (2 hours each – with a short break) via ZOOM. The start is always at 6 pm. If an appointment has to be postponed on my part, it will be appended and made up for. The course starts as soon as the required number of 6 participants is reached.
    In order to participate via the ZOOM platform, the technical practicability must be checked by the participants. This is done in a separate appointment in advance. Questions can also be asked.
    In the seminar, a wide variety of methods are taught and learned practically. The seminar can be attended without any previous knowledge. It offers a methodology that I developed and practiced myself, which will certified at the end and can therefore be taught later.

    The following methods are taught and practiced in the seminar “Adi – School of Mindfulness & Meditation”:

    – Breathing meditation

    – Meditation in silence and inner calm

    – Body meditation

    – Healing meditation

    – Sound meditation

    – Meditations with mantras

    – Meditations with mental images

    – Meditations to raise or lower the body temperature

    Discover and use the keys to the inner treasure chamber!

    A seminar for all who want to find inner peace and dive into the ocean of inner silence. Healing time for all who want to reduce stress and prevent burnout.

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