6. Sick thoughts cause ill feelings such as self-loathing. Sick emotions manifest themselves in another aura layer, the so-called emotional body, located within the mental body and smaller dimension than that.
7. Ill feelings effect the so-called etheric body, a layer of the aura layer surrounding the biological body as a narrow sheath of light. The etheric body is the subtle double of the biological body, his blueprint. Sickening emotions such as hate, anger and longing for death are effecting the etheric body. As a result these emotions are translated into biological symptoms and only then experienced as physical pain and illness.
8. Sick thoughts and ill feelings initiate negative impulses to act, for example aggressive behavior towards other people, and generate an affinity for a negative environment. Negative affinity, aggressive and auto-aggressive actions weaken the aura and and later on the biological body.
9. Holistic healing must therefore affect all human levels of existence to create and improve real and lasting health.
10. If a person is suffering because of illness his connection to the divine remains. The connection to the source of his existence can not be cut. Therefore, each person is healthy at its core. Because the divine can not become ill.
11. The inviolable core mental health of every person is the source of any healing on a mental, emotional and biological-physical level.
12. Therefore, the therapeutic conversation with a physically, emotionally or mentally ill person is of huge importance. It helps to create awareness of the source of his health and a conscious insight into the causality and the progress of personal healing and health.
13. Energetic healing methods such as spiritual medicine, energetic streaming and therapeutic touch are directly effecting the subtle energy body of a person. This helps to eliminate blockages, harmonize the aura (according to the resonance principle) and cause a healthy connection to the inner core. Energetic healing increases the general well-being, relieves or eliminates in many cases disease symptoms in the biological body.
14. Homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, osteopathy, acupuncture etc are applied to the biological body AND do effect directly the etheric body. Therefore helpful to treat acute disorders as well as chronic symptoms.
15. Allopathy is in principle to be considered only as a “last resort”. Highly effective methods such as specialized diagnostic assessment, imaging, surgery etc are necessary if it has already come to substantive consequences in the biological body as a result of mental-emotional disorder.
16. Wherever a therapist in this context appears – the job is: To help as effectively and as quickly as possible and thereby to free the treated person from the need to seek help.