Evolve your personality
Show yourself safely.
Be authentic.
Use your strengths.
Drop ballast.
Concentrate power.
Find yourself in the spiritual expanses on the continent of the soul.
Create more happiness.
Show yourself safely.
Be authentic.
Use your strengths.
Drop ballast.
Concentrate power.
Find yourself in the spiritual expanses on the continent of the soul.
Create more happiness.
Professional advice for personal growth
As a therapist and alternative practitioner for psychotherapy (HPG) I offer professional help. I am subject to confidentiality and guarantee it fully. In addition to the work in practice, I offer advice on Skype (professional coaching, change management, gender consulting). More on request via mail: oj@otmarjenner.de or phone: +49 163 2298614
Most people don’t do what they want.
Most people feel alienated.
Most people suffer from it.
A lot got finally sick because of it.
Depth psychology-based training for personality development show ways out of narrowness, out of fear, out of compulsion.
There is freedom to discover!
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