Furthermore, the article “Trauma & Trauma Removal 6” remains the reference. This article is about C. (Exploration and Intervention on the treatment table) – the actual procedure of Trauma Abscission & Removal (TAR).
The preliminary talk (see Article 7 of this series) has revealed indications of a trauma. A positive anchor was found (see Article 8). The kinesiological test (also 8) points to an active trauma. Now the moment of TAR is approaching – if there are no exclusion criteria for it.
Remember: Exploration and intervention on the treatment table have a physical aspect for C (client). The touch of T (therapist) might get an impulse that exceeds the physical possibilities of C. For example, if C would suffer from osteogenesis imperfecta, the so-called vitreous bone disease, or osteoporosis in the chest area. Similar instability can also result from a tumour in the breast area. In the case of already existing fractures in the sternum, i.e. the breastbone, the procedure TAR should also be abandoned. A pacemaker would also be a criterion for exclusion. A possible sensitivity in the breast area must also be carefully examined.
If there is no exclusion criterion, C now lies with his back down on the treatment table (see Article 6 of this series). Ideally, this is done immediately after the kinesiological test. Because preliminary talk and testing have caused an emotional wave in C. The TAR should take place as long as this wave is rolling (to put it metaphorically). If the wave has already rolled out, i.e. the emotions have faded away again, the procedure would probably be less successful.
With his back stretched out on the couch, C is advised by T to ask for a stop of the procedure if a physical or mental feeling of distress comes up. If that happens TAR should be aborted.
However, it is desirable that this does not happen, that C rather goes through the process in order to experience relief afterwards. This is equivalent to a probably successful Trauma Abscission & Removal (TAR).
As soon as C is lying down T places his hands. One hand on C’s stomach, the other hand on C’s sternum (heart chakra). The hand on the abdomen points with the fingertips to one side (not towards the abdomen). The hand on the sternum points with the fingertips towards the neck – but does not touch it at all. Contact with the breasts should also be avoided. Not least because female C are often traumatised by male assaults. That is why they are better off with a female T than with a male one anyway.
I have treated women with a wide variety of traumas – including women who suffered the consequences of sexual assault. They came to me because the suffering from these consequences was greater than the tendency to avoid me as a male therapist. All the more I wish that female T’s learn, master and apply this method. The world is full of women who have suffered severe psychological injuries and also suffer from the difficulties of getting rid of them.
T says to C on the treatment table, C may now please close the eyes, and preferably open them again only at T’s request (but at any time if necessary), in order to remember the traumatic experience already mentioned and to breathe in and out deeply.
T “follows” the breath of C as soon as C exhales. At the lowest point T “holds” the hands. C must therefore “breathe against it” the next time C takes a breath. This causes a feeling of reaching into the body of C. De facto a physical illusion. Of course, T does not reach into the body of C. But when C exhales, the chest and also a little bit the belly of C sinks, and T can very well have this almost physical feeling of reaching into something in C. In fact, this is a psycho-energetic exploration of the character armor of C. Very concentrated, T feels a tingling in one or both hands after about 5 to 15 breaths of C. This is an indication of contact with C’s deep-seated trauma.
At the moment of tingling in the hands of T, T lifts the hands from C’s stomach and sternum. But without leaning on C’s stomach and sternum. A mistake that not a few T make at the beginning when they start to learn TAR. Such additional pressure can cause a kinetic addition, which then actually has a physically damaging effect.
T now raises both hands and claps his hands once or several times. C could easily get frightened. Although this is rather unpleasant, it is still helpful. Because a plausible acoustic impulse, which serves to anchor the probably subconsciously felt release effect. Thus a suggestive, if not hypnotic process.
How the acoustic impulse is set is not important in my experience. A snap of the finger would also do it. However, I prefer to clap my hands, because this signal is more intense.
This means that something has been solved in C. What? You might ask. Call it a pattern. In order to completely resolve this pattern, T now “wipes” with one hand about 10 to 20 centimetres over C’s body – without touching it. T starts wiping at the height of C’s navel, wipes towards C’s head and a little bit beyond. Depending on how you feel, two, three times, sometimes more.
Until the actually noticeable release effect occurs. A wave of energy emanating from C and tangible for T. A sure sign that TAR was successful. No – this is not a secret science. You don’t have to be aloof to have these perceptions. Normal sensitivity is sufficient. Which, at least that’s what I claim, every reasonably empathic person is capable of. If one wants to be capable of it.
I am aware that this description does not sound very scientific and may therefore be dubious for rational minds. I would like to point out, body, mind and soul are not decoupled, but exist interlocked. Whatever a person experiences physically – has an effect on his soul. Whatever a person feels spiritually – it has an effect on his biology. Just because this interaction has been little researched and the work on the character armour has hardly been documented by any studies, a weak interaction cannot be assumed here. On the contrary: I describe the TAR method so precisely that psychological researchers feel encouraged to devote themselves to the method described here in the future.
Legal Note: I have developed TAR and therefore I am the author. Therapists are invited to use this method. However, with the remark that I am the creator of it. Publications on this, I would like to confirm here in all clarity, therefore require an authorization by me. Sorry!!!
More on further aspects in subsequent articles …
Stay tuned!
Yours – Otmar Jenner
P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (oj@otmarjenner.de).
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