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Bad Memories & Trauma Removal 5.

By Sunday November 17th, 2019April 1st, 2020Nachrichten

In order to understand the presentation of the procedure of Trauma Abscission & Removal (TAR) that I have discovered, no further training is required. But prior medical knowledge is just as helpful as knowledge in psychology is useful. Since the procedure has manual aspects, it can only be used by therapists (abbreviated: T) under certain conditions. Non-medical and alternative practitioners may use it in the sense of depth-psychologically founded exploration and intervention. Exploration and intervention in TAR takes place by placing the hands with the palms of the hands on two parts of the client’s body (abbreviated: C).

TAR is practiced by T while sitting or standing. C lies on the back, probably on a treatment couch, but stretched out on the floor would also be possible (but the further description here refers to a position of C on a treatment couch).

So C is located on the couch, T sits or stands on one side next to it. T now places the hands on C as follows: one hand on the lower end of the breastbone on the chest of C, i.e. on the heart chakra, the other hand on the abdomen, i. e. the solar plexus of C.

Whether T sits on the left or right side of C’s body – accordingly T’s right hand or left hand lies on C’s heart chakra and the right or left hand on C’s solar plexus –, is less important than the actual positioning of the hands on the body. The hand, which is placed on the heart chakra, is positioned in such a way that the fingertips point directly upwards, i.e. in the direction of C’s head. On the contrary: is the hand on the solar plexus placed with the fingertips pointing to one side of C’s body, but not in the direction of C’s feet (this is important – why exactly will be explained in detail later).

With these touches at the two points T can now reach the character armour of C directly and well. Exploration and intervention of a traumatization experienced by C are now possible. If this succeeds, the resulting effect can be described as a release (a relief and liberation, release from a heavy load).

According to Wilhelm Reich, a person’s character armour is always developed through painful experiences in childhood and the resulting resistance and limitation in his ability to surrender tot the flow of life. No wonder: devotion in the sense of opening the self is associated with the risk of further injury. The medieval knights already knew this when they stumbled through the Middle Ages crammed into their metal armour. The removal of the armament is therefore a liberation. But at the wrong time and in the wrong place, it may bring destruction.

Suitable conditions are also required for the deposition of character armouring. Firstly, the realization that this armour has become an obstacle, that it is no longer useful and that its weight becomes unacceptable. Second, the confidence that the removal of the armour is not associated with a particular additional hazard.

Point two already concerns the treatment itself. Not least due to the emergence of the question: How trustworthy is the person in whose hands I have just placed myself?

The clarification of this question is of central importance. The success of a session for C depends not least on the trustworthiness of T.

Therefore the so-called abstinence rule for therapists (T) and the “equal attention” to clients (C) demanded by psychoanalysis must be remembered at this point. What this means in terms of the legal guidelines for the behaviour of psychologists, doctors and other actors in the healing professions can be read many times on the Internet. But to put it briefly and clearly: T should meet C in a gender-neutral way. Any kind of emotional self-interest of T towards C is forbidden. This applies particularly to male T treating female C. This has to  be emphasized clearly at this point.

Only if T is completely clear in this matter a protected and therefore healthy therapy room could be opened. Only then is it possible to remove the character armour without additional danger. I therefore assume that this aspect has now been clarified. And the shelter has been activated.

Read more about this in the next articles.
Stay tuned!

Yours – Otmar Jenner

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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