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Spiritual Self-Defense, part 6

By Thursday May 30th, 2019April 1st, 2020Nachrichten

Places of power give strength. Unhealthy places cost strength. Some rooms rob power. Some terrain is eating power away. Airports are known to be exhausting, as are train stations. Too much hustle. The price of public places. But you can avoid them if they suck too much energy from you.
However, there are rooms where a daily and longer stay is inevitable. Because you live or work there for example. Maybe your own house. Your own apartment. Or your own office.
When such a place turns out to be unhealthy, it becomes problematic. Such places make you sick. Mostly insidious. Often first mentally, then physically. Or both at once.

Question: How can I tell if my apartment, my house or my office is a place of power for me, so it has a healing effect on me? Or whether it is a space that consumes, which means it costs energy and in the long run would prove unhealthy?
Answer: There are hints for the latter.

If you feel cold in your own home, although the heating works well and is also turned up, but in other places that are comparably warm you do not feel cold – this should be taken as a hint.
If you sleep better in the hotel than in your own bedroom, although it is actually quiet in your own bedroom – this should be taken as a hint as well.
Those who often dream badly in their own bedroom, but not at nights while staying somewhere else – should also consider this as a hint.
Those who often experience attacks of unfounded anger or other very negative moods at their own homes and feel much more comfortable in other apartments and see fewer negative moods altogether – should take this as a serious indication.
Anyone who gets headaches at their own home, which disappear or do not appear in other places – should take this as a very serious indication.
Anyone who is constantly ill and thinks it could also be because of the apartment, and then moves to a friend or in a hotel room, with the result of immediate recovery  – should consider this as a very serious indication.
Anyone who is often able to measure elevated blood pressure at their own home, which sinks to the normal range after leaving and sitting in a café or staying at work – should consider this as a very serious indication for a burden at home. The same applies to your own apartment, your own office, your own workplace
When a place feels stressful or even unhealthy, the next meaningful question is: why exactly?
Because there are chemical, biological, electromagnetical and other physical reasons. These reasons (such as pollution by environmental toxins, spores of fungi, radiation from high-voltage power lines, radar, radio, mobile phones, but also irritations by water veins and geomagnetic fields) should be excluded or eliminated (if they exist). Probably with the expert help of construction biologists or environmental engineers.
When these probably existing problems have been solved, but your personal well-being does not improve then this is a hint for further informal-energetic burdens and stress – which also should be eliminated.


More in a next post.

Excerpts from my upcoming book „Spiritual Self-Defense“.

P.S. Dear readers, English is not my mother tongue. If you find serious mistakes in the wording of an article, please let me know (

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