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Spiritual Self-Defense, part 1

By Wednesday May 8th, 2019June 1st, 2019Nachrichten

There are strange attacks.
They come face down.
Are not visible.
Are not audible.
Noticeable but all the more.
Mostly painful.
Until those who are under attack learn to defend themselves.
Some attacks seem to originate from places, others from people, others only at certain times from certain people in certain places. Some attacks have a long-lasting effect, others only for a short time, some are immediately noticeable, others show up only with a certain delay.

However: this is not an invitation to let yourself carried away by fear of energy suckers, harmful extraneous energies and energetic squatters.

Most people who feel squattered bear an emotional burden but are not energetically squattered. Not a few people who are affected by energy suckers are physically and mentally weakened, but not necessarily energetically robbed. If it were as simple with energetic squatters, as some people believe, then the whole world would be squatted. But the world is not. In fact, energetic squatting is a rare phenomenon. If some areas and entire cities were so haunted by harmful energies as some people claim, then they would be abandoned by all good spirits. But they are not. Harmful energies and so-called energy suckers are less widespread than certain speakers like to proclaim.
As your author – and this is very important to me – I do not want to run the business of fear. Some representations related to Spiritual Self-Defense are drastic, but not an invitation to make them bigger in your own imagination. The wonder of the world is that it is made of energy – in many different forms and with different attributes. Some energy that can be dealt with is violent. One more reason to approach the topic with a calm mind …

Perhaps, dear reader, you have experienced something similar, as shown in the following report.

Katrin, Librarian, says: “I forgot when it started. About three years ago, I think. But it may be that the matter has been dragging on for some time and I only became aware of it three years ago. At first I just thought, something is not right here. Couldn’t say what. It was just a vague feeling. When I came home after work, I felt slain. My husband asked, is something wrong with your work? No, it’s all right, I replied. Yes, I still enjoy working with books. I love to research the stock and find hidden treasures, sometimes even lost treasures. The library I work in belongs to the university. Of course you have interesting topics to deal with. So I can say clearly that I really like my work. And in my opinion, nothing has changed in recent years. On the contrary, the better I understand myself, the more enjoyment I have in my job. But …”But?” I echoed, because she is suddenly silent and thoughtful. “… it already bothers me that I’m coming home more and more exhausted. I feel empty and can only stare at the TV to feel like an idiot. And that’s not funny at all. ”

An excerpt from my forthcoming book “Spiritual Self-Defense”.

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